Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sri Narasimha Saraswati vouchsafing to Trivikrama Bharati the Viswaroopa Darshana

Sri Narasimha Saraswati vouchsafing to 
Trivikrama Bharati the Viswaroopa Darshana
Siddhamuni continued his narrative of the Leelas of Guru Nath, which Namdharak was listening to. enraptured. 

As Kumasi village which was not far away from Gangapur, there lived an ascetic named Trivikrama Bharati. He was well versed in all the scriptures, and was an Upasaka (worshipper) of Lord Sri Narasimha, the fourth among the Ten Avatars of Lord Vishnu. He was doing severe austerities to win the Grace of the Lord. 

Trivikrama Bharati heard of Sri Narasimha Saraswati, and how all were flocking to him for his Darshan. He heard also that the king himself walked barefooted, along with his royal retinue, attending upon Sri Narasimha Saraswati while the latter was being borne in a royal palanquin in all pompous splendour and to the accompaniment of music and play of drums, bugles etc. It was said to be an everyday regal procession for Narasimha Saraswati, as he proceeded every morning to Sangam for his bath and while he returned to the Math at Gangapur from Sangam from after his worship (Anusthana) was over there. Trivikrama Bharti did not feel it proper at all for an ascetic to be living such pomp. He thought that all this was certainly not befitting a true and genuine Sanyasi and Narasimha Saraswati must have beguiled the king through hypnotism or by some dubious means. He began talking slightly and revilingly about Guru Nath.

Whatever be the happenings anywhere, whichever be the thoughts passing anybody's mind however far away the person be, nothing ever escapes the notice of the omniscient Guru Nath. How can anything escape, His notice when he indeed is the inner resident (antaryamin) in the hearts of all beings and the witness of all happenings? He pitied Trivikarma Bharati for the wrong and erroneous notions he was holding and wanted to correct him and teach him the truth. He was himself like the lotus which though resting on water, yet remained unwetted by it. The worldly paraphernalia, etc around him, had least attraction for him. He just let his devotees to have their way, just for their joy, pleasure and satisfaction. In his true nature, he is the supreme renunciate Lord Shiva Himself. He wanted to reveal his true nature (Swaswarupa) to Trivikrama Bharati. 

Guru Nath set out in palanquin, with all usual pomp and paraphernalia, towards the Kumasi village. The king arranged his cavalry, caparisoned elephants, horses, etc., to head the procession. It looked as if an emperor was going in his Digvijaya Yatra...

Trivikrama Bharati, that morning also, as a usual, began 'manasika puja' on his Ishta Devata - Lord Narasimha. But strange it was, that however much he was trying, his mind that day was not getting fixed on the Lord's Form. He was an adept Yogi, and everyday his mind used to get instantly fixed on the Lord's Form in the chamber of his heart, no sooner than he sat for meditation. He was getting worried as to what was happening to him that day, and why all his long number of years of praise Yoga was failing him suddenly that day. He prayed to Lord Narasimha to forgive him for any lapse he had committed knowingly or unknowingly. As he started his prayers thus, Lo!, in his heart, he began seeing the Form of Sri Narasimha Saraswati in place of his Lord Narasimha, and who was shining in the same splendour as the latter. The vision and experience was so vivid, and remained persisting however much he tried to draw away his mind from it, i.e., from the Form of Sri Narasimha Saraswati, which was revealing in his heart.

Just at this juncture, Sri Narasimha Saraswati's procession reached near his place. Lo!, what an unique wonder! Everyone of the retinue, all of them without exception, was appearing to him looking like the vision revealed to him in his heart. Everyone was appearing like Sri Narasimha Saraswati, shining in divine splendour. The vision was spreading, enveloping even beyond the horizon. Lo, wherever he glanced, it was myriad forms of Sri Narasimha Saraswati alone. Trivikrama Bharati was overwhelmed with wonder; he fell prostrate on the ground and started praying to Sri Narasimha Saraswati to forgive him for all his impertinent and ignorant prattle before, not knowing that he, Sri Narasimha Saraswati, was none but the Supreme Lord come on earth. He prayed to be accepted as his disciple and be blessed.

As he prayed thus, Sri Narasimha Saraswati withdrew the Vishwaroopa Vision, and Trivikrama Bharti could now see the things in the normal way. He ran to the palanquin and feel prostrate at the feet on Guru Nath, pouring out his new born devotion to him, in adulation. "You are my Lord Narasimha, you are Trivikrama and Vamana. You are Brahma, Vishnu and are all forgive me for my ignorance and ego, and light up the flame of wisdom in me". thus he prayed.

Sri Narasimha Saraswati drew him near and said "Spiritual aspirants should rid themselves of all ego and be free from malice towards others. They should try to see the same Atma/Spirit in inherent in all. They should abstain from reviling others. "Sarva Jiva Tiraskaram Ishwara Prti Gachati". If you slander any one, it is tantamount to slandering God himself. The same Supreme Spirit is embodied in all. Try to see the divine in all. Fill your heart with love..." Guru Nath gave him much more advice and instruction. Trivikrama Bharati became a staunch disciple and devotee of Guru Nath hence onwards. 
Thus ends the Twenty Fourth Chapter of Sri Guru Charitra describing the "Vouchsafing of Vishwaroopa Darshan to Trivikrama Bharati" with this Chapter ends the Jnanayoga Section of the Guru Charitra.
Glory to the All merciful, the Omnipresent and the ever responsive Guru Nath.

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